Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Planet, My Passion (A Rant)

I cannot help it. I love my planet. I love the beaches and the forest. I love cuddly puppies and scary bears. There is nothing better than taking a walk and seeing nature do its thing. Who doesn't like to hear the birds sing in the morning or watch the bumble bees hard at work pollinating our flowers and veggies. It is because I love all of those things that I get personally offended when people show absolutely no concern for their environment. Nothing upsets me more than having my landscape ruined by the evil that is plastic. Why is it so hard for people to (1) recycle their grocery bags or (2) at least throw it in the garbage so it doesn't hurt any living animals. Just about every plastic bag or wrapping says "warning, can cause suffocation" or something along those lines. Do you think that only concerns our children? It does not. Animals can suffocate too! Please, either stop consuming so many items wrapped in plastic or learn to use the garbage can or even better the recycling bin!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Time Management Is Key

Time management is key especially to those of us that try to be gentle on our environment. Not only do we have the normal busy day - house chores, work, school work, pets, dinner, and laundry- but we have to find the time to make up our own cleaning solutions and find ways to complete our busy day with the environment in mind.

How to get it all done you ask?! Invest in a calendar and daily planner!!!!!!!! 

My Handy Dandy Planner with a monthly and daily section.
Once equipped with this powerful little planner you will rule the world...your world that is. The key is to ACTUALLY USE IT!!! It takes practice if you aren't use to using one but do it! Use it for everything. My life has been so much less complicated because of this little investment (which cost a dollar at the Dollar Store). And, as you can see I color code as well. Color coding took some time to get use to but now I see Orange and automatically know it is school or I see green and know it is work. It really helps for knowing what is ahead at a glance especially if you misplace those glasses...a me.

I schedule my classes, my work hours, my social gatherings, and even my chores. This way my Saturdays aren't spent doing chores I didn't get to during the week. A list I go by for doing chores are below. Feel free to use it and share it.
  • Mondays - Bathroom(s)
  • Tuesdays - Floors (every floor in the entire house and sweep/vacuum and mop them)
  • Wednesdays - Dust (the entire house! Dust every hard surface you can find. I use a microfiber cloth with no polish because it isn't necessary)
  • Thursdays - Kitchen (whatever needs to be done. It could be to clean the fridge or re-organize the pantry. Find something that needs to be clean or re-organized and do it.)
  • Fridays - Bedrooms (all of them - do the sheets, the drapes/curtains, the closets, etc. Whatever needs to be done)
  • Saturdays - Pets/Outside (I groom my dogs if they need it -bathe, nails, brush. I also give the chinchilla cage a good scrubbing and let them enjoy some free time out of the cage.) Cut/rake the lawn etc.
  • Sundays are your day to do whatever you want or need.
I do the laundry when I do the bathroom(s) and the bedrooms because hampers are located in both rooms. Since I've adopted this new chore schedule my home has been running smoothly.

The planner is the way to go. I no longer feel overwhelmed with appointments, due dates, and deadlines. And, now that I schedule my house chores in too everything is evenly distributed and I have plenty of time to mix up some vinegar and baking soda (or whatever the solution is) to tackle my chores with.

Why My "Green" Blog Is Different?

As I plunge into my new found passion for saving the planet and eliminating chemicals from my daily routine while saving every penny possible I think to myself, "what makes me so different from other "green gurus?".

There are tons of "go green" blogs and pages but I feel I'm different. My goal is to become completely chemical free and to save a penny whenever possible but all the pages do that too.
So, why am I different?

I feel I'm different because:

I make myself the guinea pig.
I try any and all ideas/tips/recipes for at least a week before sharing them
I only share ideas/tips/recipes if they work 100%.
     (however, I will post some if they work but not to my satisfaction)
I try to stay simple
Ask and I will do my best to provide

I  I think I'm different because I will do the work for you. If you are looking for a "green" method but not sure what works just send me a message. I'll will research and do some good old fashion trial and error until I find the answer.Sometimes the only answer is to use a little more "elbow grease" and others are as simple as a little vinegar and baking soda. My head is full of green knowledge but it is hard for me to just sit down and write it all down. I will share my knowledge as I use it. For example, lately I've been trying to revamp my laundry soap recipe. As soon as it is all squared away I'll share it. I've also been thinking about a pet soap to keep those tiny pest off my animals and out of my house. It takes me at least two weeks to research, make, and try my recipes and tips so patience is key.

Come see Green & Simple's Facebook page for updates and photos of the greeness that is my life!

Friday, April 13, 2012

The First Step to "Go Green"

We are bombarded with reasons to go green and the things we "need" to buy to make the green switch. I'm telling you that another's reasons aren't going to work for you. You will try to live a eco-friendly lifestyle and fail unless you find a passionate reason for yourself. Maybe it is the litter scattered about the landscape, or the veggies covered with chemicals that pushes that green button. Maybe it is the bigger issues like oil spills and poor air quality that has pushed you over the edge. Whatever it is find it because only when you find your passion will you be "green". That passion is what is going to fuel you when it gets tough to continue a eco-friendly lifestyle.

My passion hit me all at once. I've cared about my planet since forever but I never really acted on it. A series of documentaries had me thinking about my carbon footprint but all I was doing was thinking and not acting. It wasn't until my little four legged friend, Ysabella, cut her foot on broken glass while we were taking our afternoon walk that I was pushed over the edge. The veil lifted and I suddenly saw the litter everywhere and what it was doing to my environment. Innocent creatures are getting hurt because of another's laziness. I marched right home to grab some gloves and a trash bag. I picked up every piece of garbage I could find along my street. I was so shocked at how much I picked up on a street that was less than a mile long. See, my breaking point was as simple as a little animal limping and whimpering because of a broken bottle but it was enough to push me to "go green".

To "go green" all you need is a passion for it. Find it and you will succeed!