Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Planet, My Passion (A Rant)

I cannot help it. I love my planet. I love the beaches and the forest. I love cuddly puppies and scary bears. There is nothing better than taking a walk and seeing nature do its thing. Who doesn't like to hear the birds sing in the morning or watch the bumble bees hard at work pollinating our flowers and veggies. It is because I love all of those things that I get personally offended when people show absolutely no concern for their environment. Nothing upsets me more than having my landscape ruined by the evil that is plastic. Why is it so hard for people to (1) recycle their grocery bags or (2) at least throw it in the garbage so it doesn't hurt any living animals. Just about every plastic bag or wrapping says "warning, can cause suffocation" or something along those lines. Do you think that only concerns our children? It does not. Animals can suffocate too! Please, either stop consuming so many items wrapped in plastic or learn to use the garbage can or even better the recycling bin!

 I also love myself and you too. It drives me crazy when I tell someone that vinegar is just as good as bleach in the bathroom and then they use an entire bottle of bleach in that one little room. What do you think that is doing to our waterways? Do you want to go swimming in a pool full of bleach because that is what you are doing to our fish and beach goers. It leaves residue behind and then when you soak in that hot bath trying to wash away the stress of the busy day, your body is soaking up all of that bleach you used early.

The problem is that we all want the easiest and convenient way of doing something. Why scrub the tub with baking soda and vinegar when a bottle of bleach will take care of it in twice the time? Well, because vinegar and baking soda will not kill you for one! I think the problem is we are all looking for something convenient aka the lazy way out. Use the swifter, it is way more convenient then a broom and dust pan. And, no worries about all of those refills that add to your daily waste. Why use a clothesline when a dryer is way more convenient...and don't worry about the energy it consumes.  The landfills can take care of it. UGH!!!! It drives me crazy.

I feel like I'm talking an alien language and living a completely alien lifestyle. Why is it so hard to recycle? All you do is put the item in the recycling bin. It may take 5 seconds more then if you throw it on the ground. People think to live a eco-friendly lifestyle means to spend tons of money on solar panels or "green" products. Most of our ancestor were more eco-friendly then our generation. They knew baking soda and vinegar could tackle just about any household chore. They used a clothesline and broom because it was what was available. They reused everything they could and the best way to recycle is to reuse. I try to revive the awesome goodness of vinegar in people's minds or mention DIY laundry soap and they look at me like I'm off my rocker (aka crazy). I pick up another's litter and the passersby catch the rubberneck syndrome. It drives me crazy.

I wish I knew what magic word or phrase to use so people would just care. Don't you want to inhale fresh air or swim in clean water? Don't you want the clean tub without creating a chemical hazard area? Wouldn't you like to save money instead of throwing it away on the newest cleaning product? I do and I want to help anyone who has my passion for their planet

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