Friday, April 13, 2012

The First Step to "Go Green"

We are bombarded with reasons to go green and the things we "need" to buy to make the green switch. I'm telling you that another's reasons aren't going to work for you. You will try to live a eco-friendly lifestyle and fail unless you find a passionate reason for yourself. Maybe it is the litter scattered about the landscape, or the veggies covered with chemicals that pushes that green button. Maybe it is the bigger issues like oil spills and poor air quality that has pushed you over the edge. Whatever it is find it because only when you find your passion will you be "green". That passion is what is going to fuel you when it gets tough to continue a eco-friendly lifestyle.

My passion hit me all at once. I've cared about my planet since forever but I never really acted on it. A series of documentaries had me thinking about my carbon footprint but all I was doing was thinking and not acting. It wasn't until my little four legged friend, Ysabella, cut her foot on broken glass while we were taking our afternoon walk that I was pushed over the edge. The veil lifted and I suddenly saw the litter everywhere and what it was doing to my environment. Innocent creatures are getting hurt because of another's laziness. I marched right home to grab some gloves and a trash bag. I picked up every piece of garbage I could find along my street. I was so shocked at how much I picked up on a street that was less than a mile long. See, my breaking point was as simple as a little animal limping and whimpering because of a broken bottle but it was enough to push me to "go green".

To "go green" all you need is a passion for it. Find it and you will succeed!

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